Halal Certification

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Halal Certification

Halal is an Islamic law word which means 'Permissible' or 'Permitted' or 'Lawful'. According to Islamic law or Shariah, any food consumed or businesses performed by a Muslim in their daily lives are clean, hygienic and not detrimental to either their health or well-being. HALAL promotes cleanliness in all aspects of a person

Need of HALAL Certification

The Halal industry experts believe the size of the total global Halal market, including all types of Halal products, consumables and services in demand.

A greater profit and market share: no loss of non Muslim markets.

Consequently exploiting a global Halal food market.

Halal certification is not mandatory; a competitive advantage is gained over companies with no Halal certification.

Halal certification imposes strict personal sanitation and food safety and hygiene in food consumed by Muslims.

Benefits of HALAL Certification

Opportunities to access global HALAL food market.

HALAL logo is an authoritative, independent and reliable to support HALAL food claims.

Enhance marketability of products in Muslim countries/markets.

HALAL focused on food safety and hygiene in food consumed by Muslims. So its easy to access Muslim community globally.


Halal is coined from Arabic word means "Permissible" or food and drink permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law.


Haram is an opposite word of HALAL, which means "Not Permissible or Prohibited", or food and drink not permissible to use in, according to Islamic law. For example Alcohol, Blood and blood by-products, Swine and all pork by-products etc.

Requirement of HALAL Certification

  • The source of ingredients must be identified on the label and having a HALAL confirmation.
  • The producer or manufacturer must follow good manufacturing practices.
  • A company that is listed under the Multinational and Small & Medium Industry (SME) category is required to conduct an Internal Halal Audit and appoint an internal auditor to ensure compliance of halal certification procedures.
  • Required to have a permanent Muslim worker who is mentally sound and knowledge of the Islamic law is appoint in the kitchen / handling / food processing section.
  • Products must be clean and do not contain non HALAL ingredients as per Islamic law, during preparation, handling, processing, packaging or transfer
  • Equipment and appliances must be clean and free of contamination by impurities based on Islamic law.
  • There is no physical contact with the non HALAL product during transportation.
  • Religious worship paraphernalia are not allowed on the premise / food processing area.
  • Employees must adopt good work ethics and good hygiene practices.
  • Employees must be responsible and committed to abiding by the underlined halal policy
  • The HALAL or equivalent terms should be mentioned on the product label


Fees For HALAL Certification

HALAL Certification will always endeavor to provide applicants with full details and explanations of the fees and charges involved prior to commencing work. Fees are charged according to each individual client's needs and will vary depending on the:

  • Product category
  • Risk factors involved from a Halal and quality point of view
  • Complexity of the work involved
  • The nature of the company requiring certification
  • Level of assistance required in developing and implementing the Halal Quality Program
  • Frequency of inspection visits.
  • Need for ongoing support systems
FairCert Services:

A team of professional, young, energetic and experienced inspection & certification team having vast knowledge of different types of operations will work with your organization and ensure that standard requirements must be fulfill to facilitate the HALAL certification. FairCert is committed to continual improvement and customer satisfaction.

Note: For more information about certification services & fees, please may contact FairCert Office or Email info@faircert.com; cert.fair@gmail.com or contact to +91 7282 231 271 / +91 95893 09876.